How Much to Feed Your Baby
2018-02-26 06:46:29
Learn how much and how often to feed your baby and how to tell if he is getting enough to eat.
Formula Feeding. How much? How often?
On average, formula-fed babies eat every 3-4 hours during their first weeks, when their stomach is small. However, after a few weeks the amount consumed at each feeding will increase and the number of feedings will decrease. In other words, he will eat more but less often.
How to make sure your baby is eating enough
Proper weight gain is the truest test of whether or not your baby is eating enough. The number of wet diapers is also a good indication. If you get 6 or more per day, and your baby is content between feedings, he is likely satisfied. Remember to follow your baby’s cues to determine when he’s hungry. Don’t try to force him to continue feeding when he’s not hungry.
If you are exclusively bottle feeding, here’s a guide to how much and how often you should feed formula to your baby. But remember, these are just averages-your baby’s appetite is always the best guide.